Studies - All thing Digital, Physical , Creative or just plain FUN!
In August 2019, When my Designer School studies started and I was particularly involved in video production, digital drawing, photography and graphic design.
September 2019 teaching continued on the basics of video production, lighting and media!
October 2019 completed budgeting by doing remote tasks at home. I studied the fundaments of Wordpress and I also bought my own domain for my projects.
I did a small UI exercise with adobe XD and utilized the opinions of classmates both in analyzing user personalities and figuring out the visual and usability of the site.
November 2019
At the same time, I started here part-time already at work, and learning WordPress really started when I started designing my own website.
December 2019
At the same time, I started working part-time at work, and WordPress studies started really when I started designing my own site.
May 2020
I started preparing for final exams and towards graduation. I was collecting some last feedback for projects, as well as seeing if I had enough material.
AND I DID Graduate, in the middle of this strange pandemic with the best possible grades!
January 2020
Actively promoted the new Hakkelus site and the school had project management studies, as well as more Wordpress when our head teacher introduced a new ways to study remotely online in workshops where HTML/CSS work and Wordpress basics and theme editing were really big hands on project.
February 2020
Project design and screenwriting and strongly focusing getting the new sites up and running.
March 2020
When we expericenced the first Covid-quarantines, I was focusing a lot to get my own sites up and running, an working remotely, of course. We also got the Hakkelus website published and Helianna started her career as a sports masseuse, at an historically awkward time.
April 2020
Amid Covid-quarantines, I was working remotely and my day job spilled a little to distract school work, but I really deep dive into SEO work for my day job, so that wasn't time wasted either.
Summer 2020
I applied to Metropolia to study graphic design and got in, so I have now studied more graphic design, typography, drawing and art history as well as poster design.
Covid didn’t really make learning easier, but remote learning tools, quickly took on a somewhat rigid learning culture, from the agile world of digital agencies and remote work teams, and that is the only positive thing with this whole sensless pandemic situation!
What’s more, well, I’ve studied new digital sales channels.
I’ve set up a store on Amazon and Etsy, I’ve opened advertising accounts on Amazon, Etsy, TikTok and Pinterest.
Continued work on advertising on Google, Meta, Twitter and Linkedin.
Studied more animations, MockUp tools and created display and video ads.
I have done audio production and podcasts, filmed and designed a webinar and then some.
Edited audio, created subtitled and edited videos, built workbooks and training materials.
Sat in numerous Teams and Hangout meetings - while drinking indefinitely amounts of coffee!